Insect & Disease Management

Reducing the initial stress to your trees and shrubs, disease and insect problems can be avoided. Have The Tree
Doctor of KC inspect your trees it’s the first plan of action!Insect and Disease Management

It’s a beautiful site to look over your yard and see that your trees are a lush canopy of green that enhances and
enriches your home.  But wait, suddenly that deep color green is looking more like a dismal display of spotted, yellow leaves among the other greens.

What’s going on .. how did this happened?

The devastation is cause by your worst nightmare, the insects and diseases have effected the beauty and the tree’s
appearance and health.

Did you know that a tree’s illness or severe insect infestation can permantly damage your tree and possibly kill

No worries, give the Tree Doctor of KC a call we have the most advanced applications necessary to combat insect
pest or diseases.

One of our well-trained arborist can give you an accurate diagnosis and prescribe preventative treatments today to
help nature the care of the tree back to it’s health!

Is it any wonder that arborists are called tree doctors? Choose your tree doctor wisely – choose Tree Doctor of
Kansas City! Just give us a call 913-341-6100 or use our contact us form.