Don’t Drill

Our number one job as your Trees’ Doctor is to make sure we do what is best for your trees first and we don’t take that responsibility lightly. Here are the main things we need to stay ahead of the curve on.

  • The ever changing environment
  • Emergence of new insect and diseases
  • New chemicals
  • New application methods

That is why we specialize strictly in the diagnosis and treatment of trees. To focus on being the best we can at that one specialty. Over the years, the advancements in tree care have been incredible. We have very effective tools at our disposal to save the trees in our urban landscape.

In the past with some applications, we had no choice but to drill the tree to inject it. While it was never one of our favorite methods knowing how tree biology works, there was no other way. Since 1996 though, with the invention of the Wedgle direct injection system, we have a better tool at our disposal. We have been using this system since 1998 and remain one of the few in Kansas City to use it.

It’s hard to believe some still insist on drilling, but, to each their own. There is plenty of research out there that shows drilling methods to be effective and they can be. But the variables for failure greatly increase when drilling compared to not drilling. That is why we are not big fans of drilling trees.

For those of you who wish, here is some truly independent research on the effects of injections on trees. This power point was compiled by Dr. Mark Harrell of the Nebraska Forestry Service and the University of Nebraska. Like us, he is a tree hugger first. If you take the time to go through this presentation you will see where we are coming from and agree that drilling trees when not needed just makes no sense!

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ISA Certified Arborist