Protect your Ash, call the Tree Doctor today.
Emerald ash borer
NOTICE: NOW confirmed in Johnson County, Kan.
Posted: July 15/this YEAR!
If you missed or even watched some breaking news on a local news channel news channel, you know…
The Department of Agriculture has CONFIRMED EAB (emerald ash borer) is IN JOHNSON COUNTY.
On Monday’s news release, a trap set near the JOCO Landfill, back on July 5th, an ADULT EMERALD ASH BORE WAS CAPTURED.
The PEST as you may or may not know, since 2002 had killed millions of trees across the United States.
In fact, Jeff Vogel, Kansas Dept of Ag is implementing a type of quarantine that is an EMERGENCY of the Johnson County
Some 440 traps have be in use since March of this year for the Emerald Ash Borer.
This order includes firewood and specific trees from nurseries, you shall NOT move them around the county or out of the county.
Make NOTE all trees are susceptible to the darn beetles laying of eggs on some unknown tree bark, the EAB is Enemy number 1 for the Tree Doctor, Kansas City… let’s stop the Emerald Ash Borer …. NOW.
Don’t hesitate to call us 913-789-9333, leave a message and we’ll call you back as soon as we get the message.
Licensed Arborist
Locally Owned Business
Call NOW – the list is getting LONG – book an appointment for this year, NOW